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Women's Ministries - Faith Luncheon

Faith Luncheon

Saturday, November 8, 2014

10:45 – 12:30

Randleman First Wesleyan Social Hall

This will be a SALAD luncheon.  Bring your favorite salad to share.  If a group is coming from your church please bring two salads:  (one fruit or vegetable and one meat salad), enough to serve 20 people. 

Randleman First Wesleyan will furnish the beverages, crackers, plates, cups and napkins.

Matthew 17:20b …I tell you the truth, if you have FAITH as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there” and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Tables will be decorated to represent all the months/ seasons throughout the year.  Our theme:   FAITH FOR ALL SEASONS will encourage you we experience day to day events that sometimes challenge our FAITH. Alicia Keesling from Ramseur Wesleyan will be our keynote speaker.  Dana Rabb Saunders will lead us in worship.  Chrissy Brand, Chelsea Rice and Angel Crave, young ladies, will share how their faith increased on mission’s trips to Haiti and Guatemala. 

Please bring an offering for the day’s expenses and paper supplies for Victory Mountain Camp:  toilet paper, paper towels, Clorox bleach, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, or Lysol Spray.  These items are needed for the summer camps.

Invite all the ladies in your church to come for this special luncheon!   Invite your neighbor!  Come and Enjoy!

·        Please RSVP to Gail Hurlburt no later than Monday, November 3 to tell her how many ladies are coming from your church.  We must have a number to set up tables and chairs.  Call 336-498-0882 or 336-302-9315 or e-mail



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