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Local Church Camp Meeting Assessment

Dear Pastor/Treasurer,                                                                                                                   

Let me thank  you for getting in your assessments so early last year. We were able to cover expenses without having to dip into the offerings. If you rise to the challenge, we’ll be able to do the same thing this year. Assessments are based on last years’ income


$400 – $120,000 or more

$200 – $80,000-120,000

$100 – $40,000-80,000

$50 –under $40,000


Camp meeting assessment can be paid online at this link  treasurers will need to log in with their user name and password. If you don’t remember your user name and password contact  and he will email it to you.  Or you can pay by check, make check payable to NE East District Camp Meeting, mail to Stephen Storey, 222 Mt Zion Church Road, Thomasville, NC 27360.


Stephen Storey,
Camp Meeting Treasurer


Youth Camps At Victory Mountain Camp

YOUTH CAMP will be cranking up in a little less than a month at Victory Mountain Camp. We are very excited and 

look forward to another incredible 2 weeks. If you haven’t already made plans to attend, we have extended the 

deadline until the end of the month (May 31st) so you have a little extra time to make camp a part of your summer.


Here’s what’s in store…


Middle School - June 15-20
                Matt Rhodes - Speaker
                Everfound (fresh from WinterJam ’14) - Musical Guest

High School - June 23-28
                Kenneth Wagner - Speaker
                Royal Taylor (WinterJam ’13 artist) - Musical Guest


* YOUTH PASTORS: Check out for promotional powerpoint slides, posters and registration instructions. 


Early-Bird Deadline Extended until May 31st so take advantage!!!


We look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!!!



Kids Camps 2014

Kids Camp 2014 Early Bird Registration is due June 15.  After June 15, there is a $25 late fee.  Online registration is available at  Children’s leaders, please communicate to your campers how you want them to register, individually or as a group.  If you want them to be registered by a church leader as part of a group, then they can fill out a registration form available at  Please do not mail registration forms in.  They are only to be used to collect information for group registration.   Instructions and documents you will need to successfully promote Kids Camp 2014 and register your kids is on the website   There are extra promotional poster available by contacting or 336-302-1585.


Here is the youtube link for the 1 minute promo video that can be posted on your church facebook page, website or show in the church.


Micah Team News

StAT (Stand Against Trafficking), based in N.C. West, will provide training on June 21, to any church interested in sponsoring a graduate of their Life Skills program.

For details, contact Allysa McKenzie at

-Mary Louise Stancell

Micah Movement Team Director


Archdale Church Sponsors 5K Run


May 7 , 2014



The Archdale Wesleyan Church of Archdale North Carolina sponsored a 5K Run on April 26th to support the Back Pack Pals program in Archdale under the leadership of C.O.A.T, Community Of Archdale and Trinity. The organization feeds approximately 388 children every Friday who go home from school to a "hungry environment" on weekends. The event was called “RUN 5 FEED 5”. The Back Pack Pals program is funded strictly by donations. Kimberly Reddick of the Archdale Church got a burden for this ministry that perfectly fit in with the church’s theme for the year “When you have done it unto the least of these you have done it unto me also”, taken from Matthew 25:40. The planning began last August and resulted in the raising of over $25,000.00 and a final registration of over 200 runners and walkers. The annual cost of this ministry is around $45,000.00. You can see the great number of runners above to the left, and also the children’s fun run to the right. It was a powerful day. A great applause needs to be offered up to Kim Reddick and her steering committee, but also to the Archdale Church where 38 volunteers were in attendance to help out. Praise God for His guidance and help. Plans are already in the making to make this an annual event in hope of raising the entire amount of $45,000.00 in the years to come.    


Pastor Ron Jones



District E&CG News

Ten of the fourteen NCE leaders attending Exponential Conference in Orlando Florida 

Growing Pastors Event May 13

We have a special opportunity coming up next week!


Dr. Bob Whitesel will be with us for our ‘Growing Pastors Leadership Development’ event Tuesday, May 13, 1:00 to 5:00 pm at The Foundry, 7326 Sunrise Road, Chapel Hill.



Dr. Whitesel will be speaking to us on ‘The Secret to John Wesley's Success: Lessons from Traveling in His Footsteps’.


This seminar delves into church health insights that can be seen in the life, writings and leadership decisions of John Wesley. Having personally studied original Wesley letters in Oxford, London, Bristol and Manchester, Dr Whitesel will share with us some of the amazing events that transformed an uncertain young pastor into a world-changing leader.


This seminar is designed to help us have a bigger impact in our personal ministry assignments by better understanding the biblical leadership methods of the Wesleyan movement.


We look forward to seeing you there next Tuesday afternoon.


Pastor Dan


Due to the special nature of this presentation, there will be no meetings at Greenville or Wilmington on Monday. We are having it in Chapel Hill, which is closer to you than a Piedmont meeting would be, and ask that you come join us in Chapel Hill on Tuesday.


Mt. Zion Wesleyan to host Golf Tournament

Thomasville Mt. Zion Pacesetters will be hosting a fundraiser golf tournament in May 17 at Winding Creek in Thomasville. Teams or individuals from district local churches are invited to play. Call the church 336-336-472-4239 to register.